That type of a donut is actually called a CT scan but we'll talk about that later.
Monday was an awesome night in that our president invited us to his home for Family Home Evening and we brought our investigators, the Abat family!! President did some great BRT (build relationship and trust) with the Dad. So hopefully we can get him to shoot for the Celestial kingdom instead of Terrestrial.
FHE at President's :) |
Tuesday and Wednesday were traveling around the mission days again teaching music for our Jesus Christ devotional! It's getting closer so hopefully, everything will pull in together.
Then it was back to my second home... the MRC. (Missionary Recovery Center located in the capital, Manila) After weeks of not being able to eat, fatigue, dizziness, eyes going yellow, the works, and a couple of doctors, we ended up with a cool CT scan aaannnddd I've got Ascariasis! The doctor just reads the results and goes "Congrats!" If you have a weak stomach don't look it up- basically, it's parasites. Am I terrified to eat ever again? Yes. But will the mission prevail? YES! The docs here got me on some cool meds, it will all work out.
Never forget St.Luke's hospital |
This weird radioactive drink think I had the night before my CT scan
Slept with Sister Trussel at the hopsital after her surgery :) |
So no one has been able to work in our area this whole week and I am just praying for our investigators but as soon as I get back I'll hit the ground running until they bring me off the plane on a stretcher.
Saw my first Trainee again! |
Saw my Trainer again! |
Seeing other missionaries at the hopsital. They know Abby!
The Church is true everyone.
*SHOUT OUT TO MOM FOR MOTHERS DAY! Also, you will laugh, we used to joke with our mom how she bears her testimony everywhere even when we go to church on vacation. Then yesterday I bore my testimony in this ward in Manila, cause when you get the feeling you gotta just go! I've gone to church there every time I've come to the Recovery Center though so I figured it was okay :) I love you, mom! Thanks for the great example!
Also it is so fun being in the came country as Sister Zarbock- whenever I come down and see missionaries here or her mission president I love asking if they know my best friend and they are like "YES WE LOVE HER!" So keep up the good work Abz :) And all my friends around the world! Even if we can't be like Sister Hardcastle and Elder Parkinson in the same mission AND zone. And all my friends around the world! It is amazing we are all serving right now.
View from the Hospital. Manila is crazy different from the province.
Sister Walters
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