okkaayyy my beloved family one- thank you so much for the letters from my sisters!!
My study desk! Yes Maverick you made it. |
Those brightened my whole day. I seriously love you so much. Here is the update on this crazy week
- Last trip to MRC! (missionary recovery center in Manila) To summarize, due to some problems with my liver they took me off all medication for my last month and can't really do much with doctors here so they said I would be supported in an honorable medical release. That freaked me out, but there was no question in my mind- the offer was turned down. Through prayer, the support of my companions and family, and the Lord I know he will help me finish the mission strong! He's already strengthened me so much and I am feeling great most of the time haha :)
First time ever having an Elder as a companion. This was on the way to the MRC! (Was this because I told president I was scared of men talking to me if I traveled alone? hahaha) |
-2nd Devotional happened this last Saturday and the spirit was another huge help because we couldn't practice more than once!
My favorite part of this one is when a recent convert from the congregation testified. He is a typical "jo" (that means white guy) here in the Philippines from England and was such a tough headed investigator at first but he testified of the truth of the Book of Mormon and encouraged all the investigators present to read it. Also, the missionary that found him happens to be in the traveling group of singers so they saw each other again. Tender mercy :)
2nd Devotional down with my Tunay :) |
This is the Jo that testified, but his real name is Billy :) |
Bauang Zone! |
My poly sisters who travel and sing with us! :) |
-The Abat family came to church AGAIN and they were early! As a missionary seeing a complete family of investigators all sitting together at church is pretty much better than Christmas morning. We are praying they will feel ready for baptism soon.
You Know You're in The Philippines When:
Funerals are a huge progression of cars, walkers, jeepneys, bands, sometimes animals behind the actual vehicle that carries the coffin. They play super loud funeral music too. If you want to participate, but don't want to walk- don't even worry. There is a big white school bus looking thing that has "Mourners Bus" painted on the front, and then the passengers stick their faces out the window like Brady Bunch.
Sister Berry, my very first trainee and I saying goodbye. We obviously didn't know how to handle this. I will miss her so so much and can't can't explain how much I have learned from her.
Spiritual Thought:
I was able to do a session in the Manila temple before I left and what really stuck with me was our covenant of consecration. The Lord asks us to give all of our time, effort, and talents to the building up of Zion and the kingdom of God on the earth. Sometimes it feels like a lot but he ALWAYS gives more than we sacrifice.
Since then I have been re-reading a favorite talk of mine, "A Consecrated Missionary." Parley P. Pratt was mentioned as an example who laid everything on the altar of sacrifice. He had been serving a mission for more than 14 years, and was called by Brigham Young to serve in the eastern states. With no complaint, he stated all that he would sacrifice would be little compared to the eternal rewards, with that faith he said he would "fight the good fight, and continue his course with joy."
I love that :) The Lord gives us his gospel and his commandments for us to be able to fight the fight and be joyful while we are doing it.
I can't describe the joy I have felt on this mission despite whatever trials and I know that is a blessing from the Lord from sacrifice.Let us continue to strive to give our very all to Him and "test [Him] this day, that [he] will not open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing" so much that there will be no room to receive it all.
This is the Philippines. Everyone loves God :) |
Love you and thank you for all the love, prayers, and support.
Sister Walters
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