Our favorite kids from the Tan Family! |
Missionaries Should Laugh:
One crazy thing was when I accidentally dropped our keys in the tryke so we got locked out of our house....luckily I could squeeze through the first gate but then the AP's had to come and do some par cor (is that how you spell that) up the side of the house to get to our balcony and go through that door to let us in. There's your laugh for the day.
New friends at the house. |
A big downer actually this week was that Saturday morning we get a text from Nanay Nida saying John wasn't going to be baptized more...it was the day of!!! We spoke to him but he just got scared all the sudden. DARN IT, SATAN. He still wants to be a missionary though and come to church so we will just keep working with him. bbuuutt The baptism continued just with Timmy! Cutest little boy. Timmy came in clutch for Lingsat ward.
Timmy's baptism |
Oh, another laugh, Sister Ormsby and I were able to sing for Ward Conference and the stake president invited us to sing for stake conference next week! That will be fun but then I was asked to play piano for young women's anddd...that brought a well deserved "Sister Walters, maybe just stick to singing." Hahahaha, sorry I quit piano mom.
Despite some, actually a lot, of trials, Sister Ormsby and I are still working hard, talking to everyone we see (just not always the creepy singing men), teaching the Restoration and Plan of Salvation on the spot to resting Filipinos, and working on other baptisms for the month of June.
Visit to Ma-Cho temple for some...stretching :) |
This is us summoning our eagle powers. |
You Know You're in the Philippines When:
I might have already said this but no matter who the person is you call them family. Literally any old woman is "nanay" (mom), older man "tatay" (dad), middle aged is Tito or Tita (aunt and auncle), then an girl or boy older than you is automatically called "ate" or "kuya" (sister and brother) Then if we see any little kid we call them "adding" (younger sibling.) I LOVE that about their culture.
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Family Picture- thanks for the photoshop fam ;) |
Spiritual Thought:
I love this quote from Elder Dallin H. Oaks
"The apostle Paul taught that the Lord's teachings and teachers were given that we may all attain 'the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ'. This process requires far more than acquiring knowledge. It is not even enough to be convinced of the gospel; we must act and thing so that we are converted by it. In contrast to the Institutions of the world which teach us to know something, the Gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something."
I was blessed with the opportunity to give a workshop on converted missionaries and this quote stuck with me all week. I have been pondering not only how the Lord has converted me on the mission, but how I will continue my process of conversion and becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ upon returning home. I know that life is no "spiritual picnic" But if we approach trials with faith, these refining experiences bring a deeper, conversion of the Savior's reality. That's what I have felt on this mission. Because it was been plentiful of trials and miracles, I have been further converted that our Savior is a real and living being. We MUST learn of Him, come to Him, and strive to be like Him, in order to truly achieve our potential in this life. On the other hand, the same testing experiences, approached in a "worldly way" cloud our view and weaken our resolve.
I love my Savior Jesus Christ and I know this is HIS work not mine. Whatever Satan continues to to throw my way, I will not waste the Lord's time, even by becoming discouraged, because like Nephi, "I know in whom I have trusted."
Rainy season is HERE. Crazy storms this week. Pero work pa rin :) |
Mahal ko kayong lahat!!
Ate Walters
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