Week 4 Still here and Still standing
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The new sisters in our zone! |
really try to make this section interesting but really you do the same thing
every day all day so this week wasn't much different than last. Yet in the
repetitiveness of our everyday schedule, you learn so much! Just like reading
your scriptures every morning or night (which I all hope you're doing ;)
) although it is the same verses, you aren't the same person when you read them
the second, third, or fourth time so you understand a little better, a little
deeper, and a little more personally the lessons from the very same words! It
is the same at the MTC. You are a different person each night you lay down
(exhausted) than you were when you woke up that morning. So this week I was
stretched and beaten down and built back up and grew a lot. My teachers have
started to give real feedback and one of mine said in 18 months he believes I
will be "mas magaling sa Tagalag sa Kanya" (More skillful at Tagalog
than he is) Like that was super nice but no way do I see that light at the end
of the tunnel. He said to not let the compliment go to my head and it
definitely didn't because when he turned into our investigator the next
hour, he corrected my grammar like 1800 times. But hey I am trying my best :)
The food is bleh if I may complain for one sentence. I just want something hot
and not a salad but cereal is the dinner of champions right? Our district is
getting super close and we have some awesome goals to keep us diligent,
obedient, working hard, and positive!
KEEP THE DEAR ELDERS COMING. I seriously love them. Thank you to all who were
so thoughtful to write me a quick message. And yes I do pray for anything you
need :)
Know You're In the MTC When...
in the shower turns into a full on chorus/competition of who can sing more
righteously (and with more vibrato.) So I just try to like whisper sing to
myself and still somehow some sister from across the bathroom will join in and
I'm like I love unity but ANO BIYEN? (what the heck?!) I do approve of it
though when the cute sisters from China sing because it sounds just like the
really high voiced anime characters and it is soooo hilarious.
Missionaries Can Laugh Too...
Missionaries can lose their marbles too)
kind of reached a breaking point this week. My kasama and the other sister's
loved it because I have been Sister Sunshine and Rainbows the whole four weeks
and I got frustrated for like 3 minutes. My teachers bumped up my new words a
day goal, I had another lesson to teach to a fake investigator, we learned one
too many grammar principles that day that messed with my head, I hadn't slept
in a couple days really, and the salad bar girl was obviously new because she
didn't spread my vegtables around super evenly and that doesn't even matter at
all but it was kind of the cherry on top of a long day. So they saw I was
frustrated and took the opportunity to get some entertainment and see how far
they could push me. They were like "get all your anger out rhea! Tell me
everything that's hard right now! Tell me more!" So eventually I was like
punching and kicking a bench and they got a real hoot out of watching me try to
get my anger out while being a respectable missionary. I really just needed
some Rocky music and a punching bag or a good run outside. We laughed about it
later and now I am like way cool with the sisters cause I had my meltdown. It's
like official initiation.
ok ps.
I promise I am sane and super positive, that was only like for 10 minutes I
Spiritual Thought:
past couple weeks I have talked about something I heard from someone else and
if it is alright I want to share a thought I have studied about in my personal
time. I have learned a lot about the Doctrine of Christ; Faith, Repentance,
Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. Faith
has become so much more of a concrete, tangible behavior to me. It isn't some
abstract principle that we can make fancy comments about and create deep
analogies about at church, then leave it at the building when we go on with the
rest of the week. Faith guides our life. Faith guides our every thought,
action, decision, the way we carry ourselves, dress ourselves, treat others,
think of others, and how we follow and use the atonement. Faith is taking
Christ's message and his example into our hearts and consciously trying to
align our desires with His every day. We have all heard the phrase and
scriptures that tell us blessings come after the trial of our faith. We
understand that but do we accept that principle in our lives? We must fully
commit ourselves to every commandment the lord and Prophet give to us, even the
ones we don't fully understand. We cannot expect full blessings if we are
halfway committed. The Lord doesn't tell his prophets to say "Hey God
wan'ts you to try this out kind of, it's a suggestion, and then you can see
what blessings you get, if you like the results you can fully commit." We
will not understand everything God asks of us, but what we can understand
is who we are and for whom we are serving.
And we can strive our best to understand his simple doctrine. "True
doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior" -Elder
Packer. As we study his doctrine, we will understand the importance of our
actions here on earth and how following the word of God is the only way we can
achieve lasting happiness in this life and the next. Then we will want to and
be willing to follow every commandment. So when the prophet says "Have
family night, pray and read your scriptures as a family every day." Do it,
then the blessings will come. When he says "Be
modest." Change what you need to. When time and time again they encourage
us to share the gospel, share it! I have such a testimony that after this life
we all will know of the truth. Those you are acquainted with will see the
happiness they could have had and know that you knew how to achieve it. They
will ask you "Why didn't you ever tell me?" And if you know it, live
it! When our leaders give rules regarding missionaries, whether it's their
farewell, their communication, their time to come home, follow them. Even if
you don't understand why you shouldn't be doing something. Even if the change
will be uncomfortable for you. Follow the gospel completely. Don't fit it's
teachings and standards to you by picking and choosing. Faithfully adapt your life
and yourself to the standards of the gospel. Study the words of our prophets
and follow them. Study the doctrine of Christ in order to be a better and more
completely committed witness of Him. (2 Nephi 31, 3 Nephi 11, 3 Nephi 27)
I love
you all so much and can't thank you enough for the incredible support. Every
piece of encouragement helps. The mission is tough but how could it not be
worth it when I have the cure, the antidote for all unhappiness in the world?
How could I be anything but grateful to share what I know, what gives me
purpose in life, to all those who are looking.
Mahal ko po kayo!
Kita is apparently like just for your one true love in life so pisensia (sorry)
for the unintentional flirting with all of you the past three emails
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