Sister Rhea Walters

Sister Rhea Walters

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Blessings on Blessings

So president organized a special transfer this last week which happens to be my LAST 6 WEEKS (you can be excited mom but don't remind me cause I want to cry) and lots of things have changed! 

1) I forgot to mention this but I was able to be released finally as STL a week or two ago so I could focus on other assignments president needs for these last couple weeks. Those 10 months of my mission were so hard and at the same time so amazing because I learned incredible things from every sister about humility, true purpose of heart, diligence, and how to be a Christlike missionary not just do Christlike things. 
Coming back from conferences, this is what happens when you have to wake up at 4 am 

2) 2 NEW COMPANIONS!!! One of this is adorable sister Porter who is the most diligent missionary I have ever seen. On Sunday I almost passed out upon arriving at home because we walked so fast, yet talked to everyone, teach with this spirit on fire, like YES, I have missed this so much. She is from Colorado and about 5 months in the mission. And very tall. And blonde too. 
   I just cry to the Lord in gratitude because our lessons flow perfectly, the spirit is so strong, we all want to give our best to this work, and the took care of me sooo good when I was sick (again) this week. 
They take good care of me...and pray over me? 

3) Devotionals are starting! The stakes are all scheduling across the mission so now every single Saturday until we leave is scheduled, some Sundays. and there will be special practices every Tuesday. So this is going to be a huge roller coaster of traveling, music, singing, then working in our area when we can. 
Batch mates in the mission! 

Health Update- Um just don't worry about it anymore mom haha, I'll just make sure I come home in one piece. 

You Know You're in the Phillippines When...
The People are SO open. About everything. Just talking to someone on a jeepney for 10 minutes and you know all about the past crimes they've done, family struggles, and of course favorite ulam. (thats whatever food goes on top of the rice) 

Fav Missionary Moment...
So jeepneys are like mini buses and sometimes it's kind of awkward to talk to people on it BUT we need to spread the good word God right? So I couldn't speak for a day but I really didn't want to miss out on the chance so I just smiled, waved, handed out cards to people on the bus so my comps were kind of forced to explain them so I didn't look like a crazy person. They totally caught on and by the time we got to where we were going every single person that got on that jeepney had been approached by a missionary. kill eeem 

Happy Father's Day- most especially to my dad, I probably wouldn't have made it this far without him. Love you so so much Dad. (Also I was like throwing up that day so I look medyo patay)

Spiritual Thought: 
Mosiah 14: 2-5 
President Blessed us with the opportunity to bear our departing testimonies at every. zone. conference. (He has a thing for impromptu songs and speakers) But it actually was a blessing to share what the Spirit prompted, from what I've learned on the mission. One zone conference I spoke on how my understanding of the Atonement, and more especially, His experience in Garden of Gethsemane has grown. 
I feel so humbled and honored to have experienced every challenge along with every joy on this mission because if I can experience even a fraction of what our Savior went through that night, I am beyond lucky. I know I would not have grown to love, appreciate, and know my Savior if I had not decided to follow the call and serve a mission here in the Philippines. 

If you are experiencing anything that really tests your faith, thank God. Any trial widens our understanding of our older brother and Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ and if not for those times we would not reach the divine potential we have, and the person we need to become in order to reside in his presence again after this life. 

Thank you again for all your support and prayers- ps please include that I won't get sick for the next 6 weeks because I really just want to work work work and give my best to the Lord while I get to wear his name on my chest.  

Happy Father's Day- most especially to my dad, I probably wouldn't have made it this far without him. Love you so so much Dad. (Also I was like throwing up that day so I look medyo patay) 

Love you all!
Sister Walters 

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